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  • When Claude steps down as its leader, the Leicester Alliance disbands and its lords swear fealty to the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. The chaos in the Kingdom begins to dissipate as the people unite under Dimitri's rule.

    Riding this momentum, the Kingdom army prepares to march south for a decisive battle against Imperial forces.


Vor der Schlacht

  • The Kingdom army crosses the Great Bridge of Myrddin a second time, moving south through Gronder Field. However, in order to reach Enbarr, they must first seize the impregnable Fort Merceus.

  • Der Ritter des Todes

Kampf - Eroberung von Merceus

Nach der Rettung der Allianz fasst die Gruppe das Gebiet des Kaiserreichs ins Auge. Auf dem Weg zur Hauptstadt Enbarr liegt die als uneinnehmbar geltende Festung Merceus.

Nach dem Kampf