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  • Having repelled the Imperial vanguard, the resistance army, in desperate need of troops, seeks help from Judith, head of House Daphnel—the governing body in the northwestern regions of Alliance territory.

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  • In response to the resistance army's plea, Judith has agreed to provide soldiers.

    To meet up with the reinforcements, the resistance army sets out for Ailell, the Valley of Torment. Unbeknownst to them, something else awaits them there...

  • 연옥의 계곡

BATTLE - 아릴 기습전

일행은 연옥의 계곡 아릴로 향한다. 우군과 합류하여 원병을 인수한다…… 그만큼 행군은 안전할 거라 예상했지만 그 계획은 허무하게 무너지게 된다.