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  • Claiming the monastery at Garreg Mach as its home base, the Alliance army joins forces with the Knights of Seiros. Together, they begin to take up arms against the Adrestian Empire.

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  • Though plans to resist the Empire are still being devised by the Alliance army, the Imperial army has already anticipated their next move.

    An Imperial vanguard, just outside Garreg Mach, led by General Randolph, begins to advance with the aim of toppling the monastery once again.

BATTLE - 가르그 마크 농성전

5년 전의 약속을 가슴에 품고 다시 대수도원에 모인 학생들. 더불어 기사단도 귀환하여 모두 재회를 기뻐하였으나, 회고의 순간은 적군 습격의 비보와 함께 끝을 알린다.