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  • Claude's plan to call in Almyran forces succeeds, and the Alliance army captures Fort Merceus. Before they can celebrate their victory, javelins of light rain down from the sky and destroy the fort.

    Forced to temporarily evacuate, the Alliance army regroups at Garreg Mach until it is ready to march on Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.



  • After making preparations at Garreg Mach, the Alliance army marches to Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.

    In response to the Alliance's movements, Emperor Edelgard orders her trusted retainer, Hubert, as well as the Death Knight, to the front lines to meet the Alliance army head-on. The two forces clash in the city streets.

  • 帝都的市區

BATTLE - 安巴爾潛入戰

在我方兵力較劣勢的情況下要打敗帝國, 只能靠速戰速決。這麼認為的一行人迅速前往 艾黛爾賈特的所在地——帝都安巴爾, 並潛入市區,急襲帝國軍。