Advice Box

Part I

  • I have great love for the sea, but Garreg Mach has too much distance from it. I am needing to be inside the water soon... Where is the best place for swimming?
    • You should visit the sea to the south.
    • The water in Fódlan is too cold for swimming.
    • Things are too busy right now. There isn't time for that.
  • The library is a place I favor, but I am having a problem. It is lacking sufficient information about Brigid! I have the hope that I can be fixing this problem.
    • You should add to the Traveler's Journal.
    • Make an amendment in the Register of Empire Nobles.
    • Add a footnote to The Book of Seiros.

Part II

  • I have attained great skill at writing this language, but speaking it still gives me difficulty. Can you provide me with advice for achieving mastery of this?
    • Petra?! You're doing an amazing job already!
    • If you can write this well, you can probably speak well too.
    • There's no trick, just keep practicing.
  • Garreg Mach is surrounded by the abundance of nature, but securing provisions during times of warring can still be difficult. This is different from my land of home...
    • Yes, this place is quite different than Brigid.
    • It truly is different than Dagda.
    • It's rather different than Almyra.