Advice Box

Part I

  • There are as many men in the world as there are stars in the sky, but you meet so few good men during your time on this planet. How does one meet a worthy partner?
    • Man or no man, lots of people care about you.
    • All you can do is patiently wait.
    • It might be time to give up completely.
  • Lately I feel myself growing tired and out of practice. I wish there was someone around here with whom I could dance fervently and intensely.
    • What about Dorothea?
    • What about Raphael?
    • What about Ingrid?

Part II

  • Sometimes I think that living like I do, single but surrounded by talented youths, might not be such a lonely life after all. After all, I'm not lonely. Really.
    • If you do get lonely, I can lend you an ear.
    • I think you need to be honest with yourself.
    • You're like a mother to everyone around you.
  • In an attempt to clean my room, I tried to throw out the things I no longer need, but I can't bring myself to do it. After all, I can't just throw away precious memories, right?
    • Meeting new people will help create new memories.
    • Memories reside in the heart, not in objects.
    • Seal your past in your current room and find a new one.