Advice Box

Part I

  • The tea here does absolutely nothing for me. I could send for some supplies from home, but is there truly not a soul in this place with tea fit for a noble?
    • Lorenz would be a good source.
    • Ask Felix for some tea leaves.
    • Caspar might know where to find some.
  • There are many citizens of the Empire who are currently in despair. I think it is time for a change in leadership. Perhaps someone new should ascend the throne?
    • You would do well as a ruler, Ferdinand.
    • Edelgard is the obvious choice.
    • Perhaps it's time the Empire fell.

Part II

  • Growing out my hair was not intentional. I was busy with other things in life, so I never thought to get it cut. It hurts that others think I grew my hair out to be fashionable.
    • It looks good on you.
    • It doesn't suit you.
    • You look like a scruffy dog.
  • Nobles must never lose their composure. We must always exude an aura of grace. That said, is it necessary for us to be graceful on the battlefield as well?
    • In battle, survival is all that matters.
    • You must maintain your grace at all times.
    • Virtuousness is more important than grace.