Advice Box

Part I

  • I am trying to settle on a gift for a certain young lady who has experienced tough times as of late. Any suggestions?
    • An academic textbook.
    • A cookbook.
    • A nice, warm blanket.
  • What can I do to ensure that an independently-minded young woman does not fall into harm's way?
    • Keep an eye on her from a distance.
    • Keep her away from those with ill intentions.
    • Never let her out of your sight.

Part II

  • I have concerns about allowing a young woman still on the cusp of adulthood to spend time alone with members of the opposite sex. What are your thoughts?
    • Try to prevent it as much as you can.
    • You should trust her, even if you're worried.
    • She will resent you if you interfere too much.
  • I am composing a record of our battles, for posterity's sake. When was it that the Flame Emperor first appeared to us?
    • The battle in the underground chamber.
    • The battle at the Holy Tomb.
    • The battle at the Red Canyon.